Can Coffee Grinder Grind Nuts

Can Coffee Grinder Grind Nuts - Coffee Hit

There's nothing more delicious than your own groundnut butter or ground nuts to put in your breakfast bowl.

But can we grind nuts through our coffee grinder? 

Nuts contain a high level of oil which when roasted or ground are released. When you put nuts through a coffee grinder they are crushed and heated due to friction, this will release the oils into the coffee grinder and create a gooey mess.

For chopping nuts, I suggest a simple blade coffee grinder. This will keep the grinder free of oils as you can wash out the chamber after each time. 

A blade grinder will cause all sorts of problems so best to avoid them.

If you really want a nice nut butter then something like the Nutramilk would be perfect for your family.


Find out more about coffee Grinders. 

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